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Have you been looking for a Shamanic Circle
A place to gather with heart-centered spiritual seekers and magicians? A consistent sacred-space to be with others to explore possibilities, to heal the healer, to bring your wisdom and knowing to light?
No matter what is happening in the world around us, we can reign the chaos into calm, the anxiety into joy, and the fear into love.
Join Julie on-line weekly for a mystical 60-minute experience that’s designed to respond to the now. Open to explorers in any stage of your journey, from beginning to advanced journeyers .
There doesn’t seem to be enough time for the sacred. Or you feel disconnected from your intuition. Or you'd like to connect in a shamanically inclined community.
Even though you practice meditation, mindfulness, or stillness, there’s still something missing.
You miss being connected with other magicians and journeyers.
In just 10 minutes, witness the shift:
12:07:38 From ES to Everyone: big lesson for me in energizing fear by believing in it
12:07:45 From JW to Everyone: feels beautiful to have this connection
12:08:17 From jo to Everyone: big lesson that every worrying just needs to be loved up
12:09:19 From iPhone to Everyone: Love to be in sacred sisterhood :-)❤️💞
and 15 minutes, later, a little journey, and:
12:25:58 jp to Everyone: I feel clearer, more centered, concentrated
12:26:06 ES to Everyone: expanded, calm
12:26:09 JWe to Everyone: expansive, warmer, yummy buzzy vibration
12:26:34 AS to Everyone: Just wanna cry, as if I am allowing myself to listen to myself
12:26:52 EMy to Everyone: clarity, purple, heart open
12:27:00 iPhone to Everyone: Centered calm curious
12:27:51 iPhone von to Everyone: Embodied center, less distracted, inner focus
and in closing, how they feel now:
13:11:14 ES to Everyone: tender, some tender awarenesses
13:11:25 JW to Everyone: key of life, kundalini, infinite
13:11:42 iPhone to Everyone: Sparkling explosion of purple and pink
13:11:45 jp to Everyone: all knowing love
13:12:31 iPhone von to Everyone:
Coming home to the sweetness, connected to love, centered towards my nature
13:15:42 AS to Everyone movement all the rainbows... gold.. unity IS
13:15:56 EMy to Everyone: shedding light and love on the dark,
What if you could have that Sacred
Retreat every week?
You can. I’ve led thousands of people across the threshold from wherever they are into their potential.
Want a weekly sacred transformation for life of joy and love? Join me and a group of fellow magic makers from all over the world for 75-minutes each week where
I’ll hold space for you to find out what’s possible. Each week we journey, heal, rest, receive.
Designed to develop your intuition, to practice soulful exploration, in addition to our focus on the NOW.
“I love marinating in all the mythic language, it lifts me right up! This is so grounding — and healing and playful all at once.”
- Anne Day, Visual Artist & Energy Healing Practitioner
Imagine if you could have all this from weekly sessions...
Trust that you are on the right path.
Connect with source to know and experience “what’s next.”
Receive love and connection from a community of like-hearted loving people.
Nourish your soul and restore your focus and energy.
Experience the place of living outside of time.
“Sometimes I feel a weight lifted, or something I feel really has shifted. These circles really help me step out of that and reconnect to my north star.”
- Amit Ray
“Circle is like going to a spa for the soul; you don't realize how much you need it until you've done it. When I miss Circle, I feel the absence of the grounding, organizing, nourishment that carries me through.”
Anne S., potter, mother, purpose-seeker
What happens in Sacred Circle?
You step outside of time. The more you step into sacred space, the more you get to practice being held and supported in co-creation and experience weeks of healing in each gathering - as you are stepping outside of linear time, into the energy of all that is.
Because Sacred Circle is on Zoom, and not Facebook, there is a two-way energy that exists so each participant hears what she/he needs to hear. Spirit provides us with the perfect partners.
“Thursday circle is the most important hour of my week. I am so grateful to have this place to check-in and grow - exploring new maps and new possibilities.”
J. (artist, mother, Federal Judge)

Looking for your tribe? Join seekers from all over the world, from wherever you are, for Sacred Circle.
Thursdays 12:00pm –1:00pm EST
"For years I committed to exercise classes — from kickboxing to spinning to Pilates to Yoga. Julie leads a 60-minute circle every Thursday that is like a weekly exercise class, with the promise of strengthening your heart and soul. ~Mia Moran

About Julie
As a shaman and a teacher, I am committed to helping you discover your self, your joy, and the beauty in life. I am passionate about connecting with people and helping each and every one discover their own special strengths and gifts. This practice is the doorway on the first step your journey.
As a shamanic practitioner, I have been blessed to have had many exceptional teachers, and to walk the path of teaching and healing most of my life. I have been initiated in the healing traditions of the Andes, trained by the Q’ero lineage in Peru, mentored directly by Alberto Villoldo and Jorge Luis Delgado, and Joan Parisi Wilcox. The Q’ero are the Earth Keepers, the Wisdom Keepers of South America and Andean Mysticism.
I weave all my experiences together to create magic. I combine my expertise as an energy medicine practitioner and student of spiritual wisdom traditions with more twenty years professional experience as a human resources director, where I worked with executives, teams, organizations, and individuals, leading them on a journey of discovery and successful transformations. Throughout my work, I have been a professional facilitator and teacher, moderating, leading groups and creating programs and retreats.
Reviews from Our Community
“ I am learning to get through all these layers so I can receive more. This is a good place to take risks to open my heart (chakra) -- where before I have had fear of receiving."
- Esther, Founding Member
“ What shifted within me? Everything, I think. I can’t describe my feelings, other than the presence of pure light.
- DJ
What brings me here - is to have this space of timelessness, to see what comes up, to let everything settle... It’s always a surprise and that’s why I love the journeys as well because they are always a gift."
- Marianna