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Connecting to the Womb of the Mother

Julie Hannon, Shaman

Roses offered to the Waters in Gratitude

For our August Ceremony, a group of women, and one brave man, gathered on the New Moon August 11, 2018 for a blessing and healing intitation for their wombs and the womb of the our Mother Earth. It was a special and sacred time; and it seemed important enough that I wanted to share with you some of the magic.

During these times of great change, it is so important that we make space in our lives to step into the sacred and connect with our soul and with nature. This is what the work of the shaman is all about -- reconnecting and remembering who we are -- so that you can (re-)discover your self. This initation (the Rite of the Womb) is about freeing ourselves from suffering. As we released the pain and suffering from our wombs, and the Womb of the Earth, we are free to create in all of life. With the support of the masculine (in ourselves and in the men around us), we can create with strength, clarity, and the infinite power of possibility.


A Message from Spirit and The Goddess

In the days preceding our ceremony, I was feeling called to the Goddess. One of the ways I connect with Goddess energy is to pull a Goddess card from a favorite Goddess Oracle deck (The Goddess Oracle, by Amy Sophia Marashinsky). Alas, I turned my house upside-down looking for the deck and it was not to be found. I looked many times in the place I had last seen it/kept it, I looked where all my other decks were; I asked everyone in my home if they had seen it; all to no avail. And then we had our magical evening. The Goddess came into the Moon Lodge in many forms during the evening, and on the shores of the waters where our flowers were gifted after closing our ceremony. At the waters edge, with two of our circle, I offered a prayer that the ripples of the healing of our wombs be felt across our heritage and into the Womb of Mother Earth.

I was full from the ceremony; full of potential; full of the energy of creation; and full of possibility. The next morning, I opened the drawer where I had looked several times for my Goddess cards, and there were the cards. With the fullness of the Rites in me still, I pulled a card (pictured below). If you are a person who has ever pulled a card in any Oracle, you may know the surprise and delight of receiving a card that you have never seen before. This was one of those moments — SURPRiSE -

Vila Card - winged goddess - from The Goddess Oracle

Vila (pronounced “vee-lah”) with her magificent wings. The words on the card “shape-shifter” seemed appropriate, given that we had all just released pain and fear to open to creating and giving birth to all life. And then I read the card!! It is all about a womb blessing! And this was such a magical synchronicity, and immediately I felt so much gratitude to Spirit and the Goddess for this validation of our work. We had prepared the Womb for Recieving! This card invites us to meditate on this fertile “ground” we carry within; a meditation of connecting our wombs to the elements of Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. The Universe heard our prayers and received our offerings and offered right back.

I love hearing from you - and sharing reflections on your experience and the ripple of this work in your life. Life is pure magic when we make time to be with our souls and with Mother Earth here in the garden of life. May you spread your wings today into whatever is calling you.

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