Spring equinox, new moon in Aries … spring is in the air, and so is hope, possibility, energy, and inspiration.
Over the weekend, I celebrated the spring equinox with a vigil fire and sunrise meditation. Winter visited us for one last morning hug before spring entered. It’s easy to be frustrated by the cold, by late-season snowstorms, by winter lingering on. What if you embrace it instead? Do you let the cold in? Can you breathe it in? Can you celebrate that cold air before the beauty of tulips and daffodils?
In the Solar astrological calendar, we are at the beginning of the Aries season, which is another marking of a New Year. Welcome to this time of rebirth. Welcome to a time of renewal. What's renewing in you today?
Welcome New Beginnings

If we were together in Lake Titicaca at this time we would get up for solar practices. Sunrise is the time to receive a daily download from the sun. Wherever you are when the sun crests the horizon you can turn towards the light for the first moments of light in each day. Let in the sun rays that stream over the horizon. You can welcome the gift of the download and the frequencies of the new day. Let these sun gifts/rays/downloads nourish your being.
With the sun on your face, feel your roots expand beneath you. Feel the green sprouting energy of the earth rising up through you.
Set your intentions for this next cycle. This is a time for change and innovation. Are you ready? Will you embrace both risks and bold action and balance?
Ask yourself: What will nourish me today?
Each Day Is a New Beginning
Each day is a new beginning. Step outside. Let the sun shine upon your face. Open the connection to the Divine all around you.
While we give special attention to the balance of light and dark at the equinox, while we use the new moon to set intentions, and while we recognize the shift to Aries at this time, remember that each day, whatever is happening is a new beginning.
Each day you can choose to open the connection to Spirit. You can download the frequencies for the day. Each day you can choose to breathe in love and gratitude and share it out into the world around you with each exhale.
What is giving you hope on this new day?
What is your intention on this new day?
What is renewing in you?
Have a lovely Equinox. Happy New (solar) Year!