MARCH Mesa Equinox Gathering | inner-peace-wellness
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Calling ALL Mesa Carriers 
6th Annual Spring Equinox Gathering
Retreat on the Atlantic Shore

​Come Together to Participate in:

Global Equinox Vigil Fire, Ceremonies & Celebrations & Global Mesa  & Wisdom Teachings

March 20-23, 2025

Join us on Wells Beach in Wells, Maine on the Atlantic seashore

for this Mesa-Centric Retreat 


the Genesis of this gathering was to bring our Mesas together in our power and Munay, and we are returning to the origin. We will co-create, grow, connecting with the Mysticism of the Andes here in North America. we will make ripples and send them out across the ocean.


Ignite your Mesa/Misha
6th Annual global Equinox Mesa Gathering
March 20-23
Wells Beach ~ Wells, Maine
NEW PRICE! ~ book in January for $444
($555 beginning February 6th)


~ 2 spots left ~


Come Together with Your Tribe to:

  • Come in from your deployment to share in the frequency of Munay.

  • Plant seeds of intention for our earth in a Global Fire Ceremony for the Spring Equinox

  • Learn from Wisdom Keepers who have been walking with their Mesa Medicine for decades.

  • Nourish yourself on the ocean shore, update your Mesa, deepen your medicine.

We are being called to be of service to our Pachamama and the Cosmos. Heal ourselves and share this healing with our human tribe. Spend a long weekend in Ceremony - opening overnight Equinox fire and despachos/haywaiwrikui.  ANSWER THIS CALL to sit with your tribe (allyu) and learn, play, and dream in the Northeast of the USA on the Equinox.

Days Will Include:

  • Morning Practice and Movement

  • New Journeys and Ceremonies for healing and service

  • Connection with the Atlantic Ocean and our mesa's wisdom with Ceremonies & Celebrations for the Earth and her Elements

  • Spring Equinox Ceremony and fire vigil, planting seeds of our intentions to grow and heal 

  • More MAGIC than you can IMAGINE! Because when we bring our hearts and our Mesas together portals are opened and the mystical makes itself felt and present


YES! We are coming together ~
a Gathering of Mesa Carriers to share

our Wisdom, our Altars, our connection 

We are EXCITED to

Welcome you to the global Equinox Mesa Retreat​


Share our weekend in the mystic 

$555 registration includes all teachings and ceremonies,

book retreat lodging as you wish in Wells.

ANSWER THIS CALL to sit with your tribe (allyu) and learn, play, and dream in literally facing east on the Atlantic shore.

For some reason in the cosmos, you have a bundle of stones and cloth.  EXPLORE.  



"I came feeling not particularly connected to my mesa (not problematic) and now have an awareness of the mystery and magic of the mesa!"

- Anne (Connecticut)

there's a feeling of refreshment &
nourishment of being in community & talking to like-minded people & having the opportunity to share that in-person so very nourishing... I feel like I had good protein & veggies from a spiritual perspective ...

I definitely feel like in the mesa work that we were doing there were things that definitely shifted...and tonight at equinox more magic possibly still to be revealed
I’m excited!

~Lois, artist/Ceramist

"I felt connected to the medicine when I arrived and received a deepening, widening and enriching of the shamans web.... so good to be with soul sisters and brothers and grounded on the earth."

- Susan

Here's a sample of what we'll be teaching and sharing:


Opening Ceremonies & Mesa Energetics

We are stewards of our living mesas. Connect our personal healing altars to ancient granite that is the bedrock of the northEast.

  • Morning meditation Daily 

  • Woven within this synergy of cloth and stone are the energetics of the Kawsay Pacha, our living energy universe. Experience this and our interconnections.

  • What is our current state of relationship, what are the possibilities?

  • Learn the Andean Mysticism and the meaning/intent of our Mesa (misha in Quechua).


Global Vigil Fire
Celebrate Spring Equinox

Working in circle with shaman from around the world brings a rich fullness of differing ideas and insights. It brings us back to our personal work and our understanding that as we shift, heal, and grow, we are part of the emerging awareness on Earth.

This Equinox Global Vigil Fire will have pairs of fire tenders:

  • Each person has time as the key tender and sets the tone and the work of the Fire.

  • Through the night different shaman tend the Fire.

  • Continue the work through dreamtime, or find yourself called  to the fire in the night.

Celebrate Spring Equinox

Together we will participate in the honoring and healing of humanity, connecting to Mother Earth and the Cosmos by creating new connections and maps of different planes and worlds


  • We will travel the maps of new dimensions and planes, creating a trail for others.

  • We will offer healing and illumination for all of Creation.

  • We will have deepened our skills as explorers and map makers


Ceremonies for the Earth
Using our Power to be of Service  

Using our Co-creating Power and Mesa gifts we will come together in tribes to make offerings to the Earth and Water, Air and Spirit.

Rose petals copy.jpg


(increase to $555 February 6th)

Registration includes: global vigil fire, brand new journeys, global ceremonies/teachings/lunches

*all lodging booked independently

​(check out locations in Wells, Maine)

What Others Are Saying...


“a joy-filled gathering!! experience the magic that lives in your MESA. Bring the Living Energy (causay/sami) into being."

~Anne D, visual artist & shamanic practitioner


(I loved...) Being with other mesa carriers, face-to-face - receiving messages — getting on an accelerated highway to living authentically, connected to joy & Love 



  I am filled with so much gratitude for your medicine and the beautiful deepening and nurturing retreat you created and invited us all to join, Thank you thank you thank you ))))))) Profoundly grounding, expansive and quieting, my soul seeds are fully honed by the fire, wind, water and earth and are ready to germinate in this spring energy. 

~Bridghe, shaman, permaculture steward


I am drawn to the way you hold space and trust. It is so wonderful to be in the company of people who want to and feel called to work with their medicine in this time, for this time.

~Valerie, story teller, shaman


“Julie is an incredible Shaman and an exquisite teacher.​”

– Alberto Villoldo, PhD, founder The Four Winds/Lightbody School ​


About Julie

Julie Hannon, your hostess, has studied the Medicine of the Americas for more than twenty years and is celebrating the gifts of walking this path by calling this Mesa Carrier Gathering - of Visionaries and WisdomKeepers.  Her work in Peru with the shaman of the mountains and high plains/Titicaca and the alchemists of these medicine ways, has taught her the practice/s of the healing power of Love (Munay) and connection. 


In her work as a healer and teacher and mentor (former Senior Faculty for the Four Winds Society/Healing the Light Body),  Julie is passionate about connecting with people and helping each and every one discover their own special strengths and gifts. She works with people and communities to remove barriers to Love. She is inviting our Tribe of Mesa Carriers to come together to use our Power to be of Service to Pachamama.         Answer the Call today.

About Jim Dewell

Author, Of Integration and Understanding the Journey.  A native of Southern California, Jim, a carrier of the ancient medicine bundle, is a graduate of Stanford University with a degree in Human Biology, and of The George Washington University School of Medicine. Jim is also a graduate and former senior faculty member of the Four Winds Society and Healing the Light Body School of Energy Medicine.

Over the past two decades Jim and Julie have led expeditions to sacred sites of initiation held within the high mountains of Peru. Here in the Andes, they have held space for hundreds of explorers to experience spiritual awakenings and discover their spiritual path.

In this workshop Jim and Julie will hold space for each mesa carrier as they discover the healing songs and experience anew the energetic nature of their mesa. A mythical energy and force that is dynamic and unique for each individual.



**January Enrollment Pricing $444**
includes teachings/ceremonies /lunches

**book your own local lodging
​(google / AirBnB in Wells, Maine)
**price increases to $555 February 6th**


*Our location - in a private home on Wells Beach in Wells, Maine.

We face due East and watch the sunrise out of the ocean.  

Connect to the stars through mamma kocha.

Join us to expand your horizons as vast as the Atlantic.

Facing EAST - new visions - sunrise practice over the sea.
Be with the Equinox energy in the balance of light/dark

$108 deposit is NON-Refundable.

This is an exclusive retreat.

Reserve your spot today.
Have questions? - BOOK A CALL

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