Julie Hannon I Shaman Healer | Boston, MA
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 Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find
all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

~ Rumi

Julie Hannon, Shamanic Healer, Boston, MA

Shamanic Healer



As a shaman and a teacher,  I am committed to helping you discover your self, your joy, and the beauty in life. I am passionate about connecting with people and helping each and every one discover their own special strengths and gifts.  


In our work, we will remove the barriers that keep you from your possibility.




As a shaman, I have been initiated in the healing traditions of the Andes, trained by the Q’ero lineage in Peru, mentored directly by Alberto Villoldo and Jorge Luis Delgado, and Joan Parisi Wilcox.  The Q’ero are the Earth Keepers, the Wisdom Keepers of South America and Andean Mysticism.


I have been blessed in this life to have had many exceptional teachers, and to walk the path of teaching and healing most of my life.  I have worked directly with powerful leaders/teachers, including: Claudia Black, Hyemeyosths Storm, Yogi Bhajan, David Allen, Rodney Yee, Linda Fitch, Alberto Villoldo, many Q’ero/Andean shaman in Peru, Colleen Saidman Yee, Jorge Luis Delgado, Patricia Walden, Joe Dispenza and others.


I am so grateful to all of these teachers, and many more, and trust that they were brought to my attention to prepare me for the work I now do in the world: teaching and facilitating JOY and Wellness in the lives of those with whom I work. 




I have been personally trained by Alberto Villoldo and the Four Winds Society, and hold a certification in Luminous Healing from Healing the Light Body School. I have trained extensively in the techniques of Light Body Healing, Soul Retrieval, Divination and Death Rites. For 10 years, as Senior Faculty member of the Light Body School (Energy Medicine & Shamanism), I taught the full curriculum of classes, and am Certified by the Institute of Energy Medicine to teach Dying Consciously.


I have also studied HeartMath and am a certified HeartMath Coach/Mentor. And having studied and practiced yoga for more than 20 years, I completed a 300 hour Yoga Teacher training with Rodney Yee/Colleen Saidman Yee in 2014.  I am an Advanced student of Dr. Joe Dispenza, exploring the intersections of quantum field, neuroscience with the shamanic healing arts I love.


I combine my expertise as an energy medicine practitioner and student of spiritual wisdom traditions with more twenty years professional experience as a human resources director, where I worked with executives, teams, organizations, and individuals, leading them on a journey of discovery and successful transformations. Throughout my work, I have been a professional facilitator and teacher, moderating, leading groups and creating programs and retreats.   


I pursued a master's degree in psychology from Columbia University, and an undergraduate degree in psychology from University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

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